Hi everyone just a quick note to let you know we will have new beef packs as well as sides of lamb available for pick up on Tuesday 22nd April in Mosman (Sydney). If this date doesn’t work for you, we’ll also be up the following week so let me know and we can lock in an alternate pick up time.

business girl with shopping bags

And for those of you who have previously collected from Alexandria, or the farm, we can also do that again, just let me know if this is your preference as the timing will be a little different. And for those of you in outlying areas, we’ll see what we can do to pool a delivery to you and your friends – just drop me a line if you’d like to do that.

We will again have on offer our $100 Premium Beef Packs, $200 Family Beef Packs, $120 for a side of lamb or $200 for a whole lamb. More details on the website at https://www.eaglerockfarm.com.au/paddock-to-plate/

And of course I will bring the bonus eggs for those of you who like our little free range protein packages 🙂 but please save your egg cartons for me as I’m getting a little low!

Even if your freezer is still full, it would be great if you can extend this offer to family and friends, we are always happy to share the love and we guarantee they will love our paddock to plate as much as we all do!