Back in the city and it’s such a stark difference from the community spirit we enjoy with our neighbours at the farm.  It makes the crazy things city folk do stand out so much more…

6a00e551f1f5158833010536ad538b970c-320wiOne thing I always notice back in the city is how territorial people can be with the nature strips out the front of their homes.  It cracks me up to see houseproud gardeners mowing their nature strips right up to their fence line… then happily leaving the neighbour’s nature strip to grow wild!  In this photo, there’s just a couple of metres on the neighbour’s side of the fenceline before the driveway.  Which begs the question: why wouldn’t you just mow the extra 2 metres and be done with it?  Certainly would make it look neater.  But apparently the houseproud gardener has decided it’s not his responsibility to do that.  His choice I guess.  I’d just mow it all…